Leader ship day

Leadership day

On Tuesday the 18th of of February all of the year 6s from both the Donvale campus and the Kew campus took part in a leadership day. We all go into different groups with the Donvale students and formed a team. All of the different teams had to wear a different coloured bib, and we all had a teacher as our group leader. I was in the green group with Mr Oakleigh as our group leader. 

                                         The newspaper challenge

We did several different challenges as the day progressed and my favourite one that we did was the newspaper challenge. The challenge was to see which group could build the highest tour sing newspapers and some sticky tape. We had to work together as a team to plan what we were going to do and how we were going to construct our tower. We came up with an idea to make cones out of the newspaper and stack them on top of each other, half way through building our tower we noticed that it wasn’t working how we wanted it to. So we communicated with each other and came up with another idea to roll up the newspapers and stack them on top of each other. Thankfully we were successful and our tower was really tall, at the we looked at the other groups and noticed that we had won the newspaper challenge. I thought our group communicated really well with each other and persevered to come up with another idea to build our tower. 

Year 5 production reflection

The year 5 Production

The year 5 production helped me with several of my acting skills now I am better at acting and having the courage to stand up on stage and play my character,

I found out that getting up on a stage with lots of people watching you isn’t that bad.

I enjoyed acting with my friends and seeing them try to be different people and see how they act,

Mrs.Ingles really helped me with my acting actions and how I say my lines. I got frustrated sometimes when we had to do the same scene over and over again especially when I didn’t have any lines in the scene. I helped some people to find their props and I told them where they were. During the year 5 production I actually learnt a lot about Australia and how the six colonies got together. Something that I can improve doing the next time is saying my lines slower and clearer. 

The first thing we had to do before we could even start saying our lines was the auditions. For the auditions we had to partner up and learnt three short lines each. I partnered up with Gus and the characters we had to play were Sam and Alex. I played Alex and Gus played Sam in my opinion I didn’t do that well because I was to nervous but Gus did a great job. 

It was time to get our roles, I got given the Governor of New South Wales. My lines were “ Stop what’s in the bag”, “ What did you say” and “ Now wait a moment lets not get to excited here”. I was quite surprised with my role and I was quite happy with it. After we got out roles it was time to read the script. I’ve got to admit when we first read it I really didn’t thing that the production was going to work out that well and I could tell that the teachers were also confused. But in the end it all worked out well.

Now it was time for the actual play I was a bit nervous but once I stepped on stage all of my nerves went away and the play worked out perfectly. I enjoyed seeing the other two classes play to see how they performed it. At the begging of the play I was one of the  brides mades for New South Wales, then I was a Governor at the end. I really enjoyed doing the year 5 production and can’t wait to see the next years production.

What was your highlight from the production

Book reflection of the year

     Book reflection

This term for book chat I read The Boy the Bird and the Coffin Maker. This was not only my favourite book of the term but it was my favourite book of the year. This book is fiction and the genre probably is family and friends. 

The book is about and old man named Alberto who is a coffin maker that used to have a wife and kids and then they all died to a sickness that came to Allora. One day Alberto was making a noticed that every time he put food out on the table it kept disappearing. One day Alberto made a plan to leave food out pretend to leave and then come back in and catch the thief red handed. But Alberto sees the thief he is very surprised and the thief and Alberto turn out to be best friends. 

I liked this boom because it had a little bit of action but it also had a lot of detail. In the beginning i was a little but confused but i kept reading and it all made sense. I would recommend this book from year 4 and above.

What is your favourite book?

Animal adaptations

Feared and loved by most people, it’s the biggest of it’s kind. Roaming around forests, camouflaged in tall grasses, yellow with streaked with black stripes, ready to pounce.

This term in library we have been learning about animal adaptations and what they are. An adaptation is something that you have that you need to adapt to, there are three different types of adaptations and they are structural, behavioural and physiological. The animal that I have been researching is the tiger. 

Name and classification of the animal

The scientific name of the tiger is Panthera Tigris.

Description of their environment

Tigers are normally found in rain forests, grasslands, Savannas, and mangrove swamps.

Physical Appearance

Every tiger has a different pattern of stripes so you can tell them apart, an adult tiger can grow up to 13ft and weigh up to 650 pounds


Tigers are carnivores so they only eat meat. They eat grasshoppers, elephants, dears, monkeys, wild pigs, crocodiles, snakes, crabs and fish.

Structural Adaptations

Tigers have a striped coat which helps them to camouflage, tigers also have great hearing so they can communicate over long distances. The Siberian tiger has a big body with strong muscles to hunt prey, they have limbs to leap high and have strong paws and teeth to rip their prey apart.

Behavioural Adaptations

Tigers don’t like to get their faces wet so they walk in to the water backwards. They spray and scratch trees to mark their territories. Tigers are nocturnal hunters so they only hunt at night.

Physiological Adaptations

Tigers have great hearing so they can communicate over long distances. The Siberian tiger has a big body with strong muscles to hunt prey, they have limbs to leap high and have strong paws and teeth to rip their prey apart

what’s your favourite animal?

Tigers adaptations

This term in library we have been learning about animal adaptations and what they are. An adaptation is something that you have that you need to adapt to, there are three different types of adaptations and they are structural, behavioural and physiological. The animal that I have been researching is the tiger. 

Name and classification of the animal

The scientific name of the tiger is Panthera Tigris.

Description of their environment

Tigers are normally found in rain forests, grasslands, Savannas, and mangrove swamps.

Physical Appearance

Every tiger has a different pattern of stripes so you can tell them apart, an adult tiger can grow up to 13ft and weigh up to 650 pounds


Tigers are carnivores so they only eat meat. They eat grasshoppers, elephants, dears, monkeys, wild pigs, crocodiles, snakes, crabs and fish.

Structural Adaptations

Tigers have a striped coat which helps them to camouflage, tigers also have great hearing so they can communicate over long distances. The Siberian tiger has a big body with strong muscles to hunt prey, they have limbs to leap high and have strong paws and teeth to rip their prey apart.

Behavioural Adaptations

Tigers don’t like to get their faces wet so they walk in to the water backwards. They spray and scratch trees to mark their territories. Tigers are nocturnal hunters so they only hunt at night.

Physiological Adaptations

Tigers have great hearing so they can communicate over long distances. The Siberian tiger has a big body with strong muscles to hunt prey, they have limbs to leap high and have strong paws and teeth to rip their prey apart.

what is your favourite animal?

Photo spark week 7 blogging challenge

This is a photo of a sweet cake that you make on greek easter. It represent the resurrection of christ and the birth as it moulds into shape and come back to life. The eggs are red because they symbolise Jesus’s blood. The eggs represent a new life like a chicken comes out of the egg and comes to life and that’s why we choose eggs. 

The other photo is of a candle that you take to church on Sunday at 12am. Usually your godparents buy your candle for you. Usually the candles have something on them like a ribbon or an action figure.   


Greek Easter Blogging challenge week 7

A family holiday that my family celebrates is Greek Easter. We celebrate Easter because it’s when Jesus dies and we celebrate the sacrifices he’s made. Greek Easter falls on Holy Thursday.

During Greek Easter we paint eggs red. We have eggs because it symbolizes new life and we paint them red because it symbolizes Jesus’s blood. We also make something thats like a sweet cake and it’s called τσουρέκι or (tsoureki) and we make it on Holy Thursday and eat it on Sunday. We also fast 40 days before Greek Easter we fast from meat and dairy products. 

On Greek Easter our godparents give us a candle to take to church on Sunday. On Saturday we go to church at around 8pm and we walk around the block of the church behind the priest who is holding the επιτραφίο (epitraph) with Jesus inside it. On Sunday you can have Greek Easter at your house and you family comes over or you go to your families house. I go to my cousins and we eat τσουρέκι and we get the red eggs and we hit them against another persons egg and whoever’s egg breaks loses. At 12am we go to church and we bring the candle that our godparents gave us and we light them. When the priests says χριστός Ανέστη και Αληθώς Ανέστη (christos anesti and alithos anesti) this phrase means christ has risen. 

What do you like about Greek Easter?

Camp Toonallok reflection

Toonallook camp reflection

Over the past 3 weeks each of the year five classes got a chance to go to camp Toonallook. This week my class went and It was AMAZING!!! It was a four hour bus ride to camp with one stop over. At camp we did kayaking, bike riding, and fishing. On the first day we did a photo rally and got sorted into our cabins. We then had afternoon tea and learned how to play king ball, I found king ball really really fun and competitive. Then we had a delicious dinner and played the shoe game, it ended up being a draw between the Afterburners (my team) and jaz’s jellybeans. The next day we went and saw the water police and got a tour of their boat and learnt a lot about the different type of buoys and how they rescue people. After the water police we got into our activity groups and did kayaking and bike riding. When my activity group went kayaking we went up to corner of the lake and then we raced back my partner and I came second which I was quite happy about since it was my first time kayaking and it was really fun. After bike riding and kayaking we packed up all of our things put them on a trailer and started our walk to expo camp site. When we arrived we had to set up our tents, I didn’t find setting up a tent very hard but I found it a bit challenging. For dinner we ate burgers which were amazing and then we played a game called empire and went for a night walk to see the sunset.

On the third day my group took a boat to paynesville  and went fishing, unfortunately we didn’t catch any fish but we caught lots of jellyfish. We then took a ferry to Raymond island and had lunch with the other group. After lunch we swapped over with the other group and we went bike riding around the island and they went fishing. On the bike ride we saw 32 koalas and a scar tree. After a long day out we went back to Toona and had a lasagna for dinner and jelly with ice cream for dessert. 

On the last day we had a camp we all woke up at 5.30am to see the sunrise and it was amazing. Then we had th Toona challenge, the two year 11 girls that came on camp with us made a Toona challenge filled with different activities. At the end of all of the activities the Afterburners came out with a 2 point win against jaz’s jellybeans. After the activities it was time to leave camp and say goodbye to all of the camp staff.




The biggest highlights of camp for me were bike riding and seeing the koalas, kayaking, going on the boat, building a tent, fishing and playing king ball and the shoe game.


I didn’t have many challenges on camp but some of them were building and taking down the tent, bike riding in the sand and dealing with the mosquitoes.


During camp I had to use many PLA’s and they were

  • Collaboration because we had to work with each other to build the tents
  • Connectedness we had to connect with other people to succeed in activities
  • Resilience we had to be resilient because of all of the mosquitoes
  • Knowledge we had to use our knowledge to build the tents

Did you like camp

Avatar blogging challenge

This is my avatar, it doesn’t look completely like me but it’s similar. I am wearing glasses because I wear them in real life and i need them to help me see and concentrate. I am wearing a grey jumper because i really like grey clothes. I’ve got brown eyes, my hair is not completely black, it’s actually a lighter but this is close enough. I am smiling because i like to laugh and smile all the time.

What does your avatar look like?